Representing the interests of local residents
RedFrog Association works to represent the interests of residents within the area (defined on the homepage) in preserving and enhancing the Conservation Area, and to support the development of the RedFrog Neighbourhood Plan.
It is a voluntary organisation which relies on donations, and membership fees which are being invited for the first time since its formation in 1997. This will help enable to Association to buy in expert help, where needed, to run social events and to provide planning advice.
RedFrog welcomes new members! Any donation or membership is greatly valued to help the Association continue its work within the neighbourhood.
Yes I would like to join!
Membership costs just £15 per household or £10 for an individual within the Redfrog area.
To support the Association as a member please set up an annual standing order. Any additional contribution is appreciated but entirely voluntary.
Bank Account details for payment are:
The Redington Frognal Association
Bank: Lloyds
Account: 8841 5460
Sort code: 30 99 50
We hope to set up an online payment method through the website, but in the meantime please email RedFrog for confirmation of membership once your payment has been made:
How else can I get involved?
Meetings are held a few times a year but much activity takes place between meetings. RedFrog members work in subgroups and liaise with Camden Council, the local police, Transport for London, the Heath and Hampstead Society and other local organisations.
RedFrog members also sit on the Hampstead Conservation Area Advisory Committee which comments on planning applications.
Please contact one of our officers for more details.
NEW WhatsApp Community Group
A new Community WhatsApp group has been set up as a place where all relevant community information can be shared including service outages, road closures, suspicious activity in the neighbourhood and service recommendations / referrals. To join this group:
1) If you have WhatsApp already join via this link
2) Or scan the QR code below.
3) Or email your name and contact number to and you will be added to the group.