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Neighbourhood Plan

The Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Plan

For information on the Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Plan, please visit:

Appointment of Tony Burton CBE as Independent Examiner

Tony Burton CBE has been appointed as the independent examiner of the Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Plan.  In addition to his work as an examiner,  Tony is volunteer convener of Neighbourhood Planners.Londonand Vice Chair of The National Lottery Community Fund. He advises the National Infrastructure Commission on design and chairs CPRE London and Wandle Valley Forum.  He is also a Director of Greenspace Information for Greater London. Tony founded Civic Voice in 2010.

He replaces Prof. Ann Skippers (appointed on 6 September). 

Neighbourhood Plan Passes Examination

The Examiner’s report into the Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Plan was published on 24.12.20.

The Examination report notes that the Neighbourhood Plan
“is based on an effective programme of public consultation which has informed a Vision to 2045 and six Aims/Objectives. These are translated into 16 planning policies dealing with issues distinct to the locality. The Plan is supported by a Consultation Statement, Basic Conditions Statement and Strategic Environmental and Habitats Regulations Assessment screening opinions. Supporting evidence is provided on most aspects of the Plan, including primary evidence produced during the Plan’s preparation. There is good evidence of community support and the involvement of the local planning authority.”

The Examiner considered the 51 separate representations made on the submitted Plan and representations on the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment screening opinions and addressed them in this report as appropriate.

It was concluded that, subject to the recommended modifications, the modified Plan should proceed to Referendum and that this should be held within the Neighbourhood Area.

Voting Instructions for Thursday 17th June

You do not need a poll card to vote and anyone who is registered to vote can simply turn up at the polling station on 17th June.

All voting will take place at St. Luke’s Church, Kidderpore Avenue and no other polling stations will be open.
Voting hours are from 7 am until 10 pm.

The question being asked is:
Do you want London Borough of Camden to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Redington Frognal to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

Please vote YES to protect this beautiful area for both ourselves and future generations.

The Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Plan has been through a rigorous process of public engagement and consultation over more than six years, supported by a vast and comprehensive evidence base.   It has undergone two official public consultations, during which residents and other stakeholders provided comments and feedback, with many other public engagement events held at throughout.

The policies aim to protect the unique nature of the Redington Frognal Conservation Area and to ensure that future development proposals / planning applications will preserve and / or enhance the area.

Without a Neighbourhood Plan, future development will be solely reliant on Camden’s Local Plan and not benefit from policies which are tailored to the specific needs of the Conservation Area.

The Committee hope that our efforts meet with you approval and ask you to vote in support of the Plan on June 17th.