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Secret Rivers: Exhibition – Museum of London Docklands

The event calendar for the Museum of London Docklands includes several events concerning “Secret Rivers” exhibition from 24 May to 27 October:
Secret Rivers:  Discover the Secrets of London’s Historic Waterways at our next Major Exhibition 
For centuries Londoners have existed beside a series of waterways, which have shaped the city and people within it. The history of this relationship and the art that is has inspired are the focus of our next major exhibition, Secret Rivers.
Secret Rivers uses archaeological artefacts, art, photography and film to reveal stories of life by London’s rivers, streams, and brooks, exploring why many of them were lost over time.
Historic and contemporary artworks from artists, poets and authors will also show how London’s rivers have played an important role in the city’s imaginations. Previously unseen artefacts from excavations of the River Fleet and elsewhere hint at the diverse industrial, economic and religious roles these rivers have played over the centuries.
The intriguing histories of the River Effra, Fleet, Neckinger, Lea, Wandle, Tyburn, Walbrook and Westbourne will all feature in the exhibition. Each river will highlight a broader theme such as poverty, industry, development, effluence, manipulation, activism, sacred association and restoration.
Some of the many events include:
18 May:  Walking the Lost Waterways: At the Source
13 June and 12 September:   Tour the Thames: Secret Rivers
13 July:    Walking the Lost Waterways: the Tyburn
3 August:  Walking the Lost Waterways: the Fleet

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